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Staffing: Managing Difficult Employees to Unlock Their Potential

Managing line employees can often feel like a balancing act between addressing immediate challenges and nurturing long-term potential. But what if the key to overcoming these difficulties lies in understanding an employee’s motivation and translating it into terms that align with the company’s mission? This approach, though challenging, can be incredibly rewarding. The question is: can it be done? Absolutely.

Building a Winning Team: Steps to Success

1. Hire for the Right Attributes

The foundation of a strong team begins with hiring. Look for candidates who possess the right attributes—individuals who are open-minded, adaptable, and have the potential to grow. Think of them as a blank canvas, ready to be shaped and developed to fit the company’s needs and objectives. Their existing skill level or potential to acquire the necessary skills should align with your organization’s goals.

2. Immediate Training and Development

From day one, start training your employees to develop them into key players and stakeholders within the team. This investment not only equips them with the tools to succeed but also instills a sense of ownership in the company’s mission.

3. Aligning Career Goals with Company Objectives

This step is twofold: first, understand each employee’s career goals. Then, work on aligning those goals with the company’s mission. When employees see a clear path to achieving their personal ambitions while contributing to the organization’s success, their motivation and engagement naturally increase.

4. Reinforce Progress Towards Career Goals

Most employees come to work because they want to be successful. It’s our job as employers to reinforce their progress towards their career goals. This is best achieved by setting measurable benchmarks and offering rewards or incentives on a quarterly basis. Regularly help them understand the impact of their work and how it moves them closer to their goals.

5. Honest Communication

Perhaps the most challenging part of this process is fostering honest communication. Both the employer and the employee must clearly understand and articulate their needs. This transparency builds trust, which is essential for long-term success.

6. Thoughtful Leadership Over Profit-Driven Management

Building a successful team requires more than just focusing on the bottom line. It demands thoughtful, caring leaders who prioritize the well-being and development of their employees. With the right team, financial success will follow.

Additional Tools for Facility Success

  • Weekly Project Meetings: Regularly review work orders and preventive maintenance schedules to ensure everyone is on the same page and aligned with the department’s goals.

  • Monthly Performance Check-Ins: Use these sessions to discuss progress, address challenges, and adjust goals as needed. It’s also an opportunity to reinforce how each team member’s work contributes to the company’s mission.

  • Tailored Incentives / Individual Motivations Recognize that each team member is unique and may be motivated by different incentives. What drives one employee might not resonate with another. Whether it's financial rewards, professional development opportunities, or work-life balance, tailor your approach to meet the individual needs of your team members. Understanding and responding to these differences can significantly enhance their engagement and productivity.


Building a winning team in a facility management environment requires more than just technical skills. It takes a genuine commitment to understanding and nurturing your employees, aligning their personal goals with the company’s mission, and leading with care and thoughtfulness. The results—a dedicated, high-performing team—are well worth the effort.

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